Friday, June 24, 2016


Hey! how are you? I hope these words find you well and in good spirits. Recently the flame or writing has been rekindled from embers, that I knew never died out but accepted were dormant. Only because I suppressed them. Now I have more to write about than ever.  5 years of life experiences, a cyclical realm where all things come full circle. It's so weird. I'm still dealing with a lot of the shit I was dealing with , back then. GROWTH, it's the mountain peak for all of us. Fulfillment. Anyway I've left and now I've returned to reclaim my voice, and the utensils that I use to amplify that frequency, so it reaches out and claims ears that are intrigued or like minded, or just fucking nosey, lol. The urge has returned , and the itch will be scratched here, therapeutically, as I defy laws and ramble and confess, and share my closet and my recipes of life. Practice. Peace.

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