Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Gaining momentum, revving up the engine, escaped from that prison, where fears a religion, and peers hard of hearin, you just wanna share what your feeling, show glimpses of my soul, no need for the probe, unless it's a story better yet untold, that only I'll know, for a while yo, I was wild though, Cali, calmed my style slow, sit back let that style go, switched it, took a deep breath wow bro, the view nitro, still smoke bogies, crown and rose's for the OG, tote speech, as bait when I'm fishing for opportunity, plugged into the matrix, these tricks ain't new to me!

Just though I'd let the brain throw something together, finger freestyle, trying to nurture my creative side again, it used to be so easy, and again it will be when I capture that frequency again, I get it in small wattage's now, and I can feel it building, like a wave, I'm ready to ride that bitch!  Trying to start listening to more and more new music, I find myself writing down the names of all new bands I catch wind of so I won't forget, went over a friend of Ian's how J, and his roomie makes tracks.   He actually had a couple of solid instrumentals, I ran an album concept that I've been sitting on for years by him,and he likes it, I want full moguldom, and it 's actually at my fingertips, I've just gottta fully embrace the fact that my life is going to be crazy, hectic, and full of do's , but it's awesome, and I love it, it's th life I want, so let's do this.  I've got a meeting with Rich this weekend, Axtion Mag, he wants me to put a show together fort him, me!, just dropped it right in my lap, and he's got equipment , JAH( yes JAH), I like that name for GOD, anyway he is fucking awesome, still haven't put a finger on a definition for my spirituality, but I prey daily, and talk to JAH constantly, so, I'm loving life right now though, all adversity is being embraced, struggle is welcome, I get stronger everyday in all aspects of self, I will attract whatever I desire, and my life will be what I make it , until next time , PEACE!

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